Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Whether the critiques like it or not, the ruling party is continuing with its governance in India.
There are security lapses, want of JPC, no parliament session, WikiLeaks digging up something nasty everyday, natural calamities like flood in some states, escalating food prices, increase in petrol price and what not?
Innumerable problems are tapping the doors of the Prime Minister and the UPA Chairperson almost everyday.
The opposition parties are very happy to see the pressure under which UPA government is operating.
All opposition parties big or small are putting pressure on the UPA from all angles.
What is the real idea behind all these pressures?
I try to understand the intricacies of all these incidents like many other people in our country.
No one has a correct answer to offer.
The lawyer-spokespersons of each party talk good about their party and bad about the ruling party in loud voices.
Is it democracy?
They say it is.
The public money is swindled by everyone who is in the top positions like Central Cabinet Ministers, Chief Ministers of States, bank CEOs, politicians, and journalists and even the civil servants and defense personals.
In order to catch these thieves, again the government is spending huge amount of public money in searches, advocate fees, commissions, stalling parliamentary proceedings for whole winter session.
I feel it’s sheer non-sense!
India is considered to be one of the corrupt nations in the world, next to China of course!
Remember, both are heavily populated countries.
Is it not a shame on the part of the responsible leaders our country to waste the public money and tell the people that they are taking care of the corrupt.
How long such things can happen in India?
I hope, sooner some bright economist or judge will come forward to give a solution for this tricky problem.
What the President of India doing?
No word from her so far!
Who will solve these ugly problems?
I do not know.
Do you?

21December 2010

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